“My experience with Lori was life changing! My husband and I both had the privilege of working with her, so when I say life changing, I truly mean every aspect. For the first time in years I know who I am, and have the confidence to walk in that freedom. I was able to obtain more healing from co-dependency with Lori than I had in five years of therapy. Today I take care of myself, put boundaries where I need them and have a stronger faith with a better understanding of it. I am so grateful for Lori and this ministry.”

- Annie

“Lori’s work is absolutely transformative. She partners with the Holy Spirit to heal wounds from the inside out. Lori’s compassionate presence makes you feel at home right away. She is a true vessel and conduit of divine grace and I am incredibly grateful for her guidance”

- Dr. Philip Ryan

“Before I started seeing Lori, I believed in God and knew all that Jesus had done for me; however, I was either taking it for granted or allowing the enemy to blind me and keep me captive in my stressed-out survival mode being glad to just make it through the day. I lived with a spirit of chaos, a false sense of responsibility, and fear of disappointing others and being rejected. Lori, as my inner healing minister, led me to be still; to see and hear Jesus as He showed me where my stuck thinking was and where my emotions/thoughts had their origin earlier in my life. Through this inner healing work, Christ has shown me how to be a receptive vessel to all He has done for me and to use the gifts I have been given. It has even helped my husband and I grow closer together and to God as we celebrate freedom that I had never experienced before. “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36

- Rhonda Hanneken

“Words aren’t adequate to describe what God has done in my life through Lori. The healing and transformation that God has done for me through Lori has healed wounds old and new. It’s given me peace from a painful divorce and showed me God’s strength amid a stressful season in business. Lori has been a gift from God. God truly shows His love to all that allow Lori to help. I’ve recommended her to my closest friends and I believe that anyone seeking God and wanting healing will benefit from her ministry.

- Matt B.

“The moment I met Lori it felt as if I had I known her a lifetime. She brought Jesus into my life and the ripple effect has been nothing short of amazing. Since I began inner healing, my family members, friends and coworkers have all noted a change in me. I no longer walk in fear, anxiety, and resentment. Lori guided me to a place where I walk alongside Jesus, healed, loved, and forgiven. She is truly an Angel on earth!”free indeed.” John 8:36

- Ashley Staviski

“For years I was plagued with debilitating nightmares to the point that I was afraid to fall asleep and eventually became physically ill. It was Lori who took me on the journey of inner healing, which involved identifying and removing the obstacles preventing me from living the life God planned for me. It was hard and at times I wanted to run, but I could hear my Heavenly Fathers voice urging me to stay the course, to trust and support my sister Lori because just beyond the horizon something amazing and so beautiful was about to happen, and I would witness it with my own eyes.”

- Marlene Jones


The Keys to Unlocking

your Freedom are Here!


The Keys to Unlocking your Freedom are Here!

“My experience with Lori was life changing! My husband and I both had the privilege of working with her, so when I say life changing, I truly mean every aspect. For the first time in years I know who I am, and have the confidence to walk in that freedom. I was able to obtain more healing from co-dependency with Lori than I had in five years of therapy. Today I take care of myself, put boundaries where I need them and have a stronger faith with a better understanding of it. I am so grateful for Lori and this ministry.”

- Annie

“Lori’s work is absolutely transformative. She partners with the Holy Spirit to heal wounds from the inside out. Lori’s compassionate presence makes you feel at home right away. She is a true vessel and conduit of divine grace and I am incredibly grateful for her guidance”

- Dr. Philip Ryan

“Before I started seeing Lori, I believed in God and knew all that Jesus had done for me; however, I was either taking it for granted or allowing the enemy to blind me and keep me captive in my stressed-out survival mode being glad to just make it through the day. I lived with a spirit of chaos, a false sense of responsibility, and fear of disappointing others and being rejected. Lori, as my inner healing minister, led me to be still; to see and hear Jesus as He showed me where my stuck thinking was and where my emotions/thoughts had their origin earlier in my life. Through this inner healing work, Christ has shown me how to be a receptive vessel to all He has done for me and to use the gifts I have been given. It has even helped my husband and I grow closer together and to God as we celebrate freedom that I had never experienced before. “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36

- Rhonda Hanneken

“Words aren’t adequate to describe what God has done in my life through Lori. The healing and transformation that God has done for me through Lori has healed wounds old and new. It’s given me peace from a painful divorce and showed me God’s strength amid a stressful season in business. Lori has been a gift from God. God truly shows His love to all that allow Lori to help. I’ve recommended her to my closest friends and I believe that anyone seeking God and wanting healing will benefit from her ministry.

- Matt B.

“The moment I met Lori it felt as if I had I known her a lifetime. She brought Jesus into my life and the ripple effect has been nothing short of amazing. Since I began inner healing, my family members, friends and coworkers have all noted a change in me. I no longer walk in fear, anxiety, and resentment. Lori guided me to a place where I walk alongside Jesus, healed, loved, and forgiven. She is truly an Angel on earth!”free indeed.” John 8:36

- Ashley Staviski

“For years I was plagued with debilitating nightmares to the point that I was afraid to fall asleep and eventually became physically ill. It was Lori who took me on the journey of inner healing, which involved identifying and removing the obstacles preventing me from living the life God planned for me. It was hard and at times I wanted to run, but I could hear my Heavenly Fathers voice urging me to stay the course, to trust and support my sister Lori because just beyond the horizon something amazing and so beautiful was about to happen, and I would witness it with my own eyes.”

- Marlene Jones